Automated Sleep Arousal Detection Based on EEG Envelograms

Filip Plesinger1, Petr Nejedly1, Ivo Viscor1, Petr Andrla1, Josef Halamek2, Pavel Jurak1
1Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, 2Institute of Scientific Instruments, CAS, CZ


Background: Sleep arousal is basically described as a shift in EEG activity in frequencies > 16 Hz for a duration > 3 sec (by the American Sleep Disorders Association – ASDA). The number of these arousals during sleep is a reflection of sleep quality. In accordance with the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2018, we present a method for automatic detection of arousals in polysomnographic recordings.

Method: Each file in the training dataset (N=994) has defined “Arousal Regions” (AR, median length 32 seconds); however, arousals were usually located in the right half of these ARs. Therefore, we built a method with respect to ASDA criteria to locate arousals inside ARs: envelograms (14-20; 16-25 and 20-40 Hz) were inspected in a 3-sec floating window for an increase against a 10-sec background for more than 3 secs. We then extracted 159,840 blocks passing ASDA criteria from AR regions as well as outside ARs (1:3). We extracted 24 features from these blocks (how many EEG channels/frequency bands passed ASDA criteria; heart rate before/during arousal; airflow and EMG changes) and trained a bagged tree ensemble model (70/30% held-out).

Results: The method showed AUROC/AUPRC 0.79/0.18 on a training set and AUROC/AUPRC 0.74/0.13 on a testing set. {}