Comparison between Cardiac Baroreflex Sensitivity Estimates Derived from Sequence and Phase Rectified Signal Averaging Techniques During Head-up Tilt | |
Beatrice De Maria, Vlasta Bari, Giovanni Ranuzzi, Laura Dalla Vecchia, Sergio Cerutti, Alberto Porta | |
Personalization of Atrial Fibrillation Antiarrhythmic Drug Treatments: a Population of Models Approach | |
Alejandro Liberos, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Miguel Rodrigo, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, Felipe Atienza, Blanca Rodriguez, Andreu M. Climent | |
GPU Implementation of Levenberg-Marquardt Optimization for T1 Mapping | |
Shufang Liu, Aurélien Bustin, Darius Burschka, Anne Menini, Freddy Odille | |
Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of the Left Atrium in Atrial Fibrillation on a Patient Specific Basis | |
Alessandro Masci, Martino Alessandrini, Luca Dedè, Davide Forti, Filippo Menghini, Corrado Tomasi, Alfio Quarteroni, Cristiana Corsi |
A Simple Algorithm for Ventilation Detection in the Capnography Signal During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | |
Mikel Leturiondo, Jesus Ruiz, Sofia Ruiz de Gauna, Digna M González-Otero, José M Bastida, Mohamud Daya | |
Chest Compression Metrics During Manual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: a Manikin Study | |
Sofia Ruiz de Gauna, Digna M González-Otero, James K Russell, Jesus Ruiz, Sara Pelayo, Purificación Saiz | |
An Investigation into the Use of the Impedance Cardiogram as a Predictor of Manual Chest Compression Efficacy | |
Olibhéar McAlister, Dewar D. Finlay, Raymond R. Bond, Daniel Guldenring, Ben McCartney, Laura Davis, Hannah Torney, Paul Crawford, Frances Denny, Rebecca Funston, David McEneaney | |
Closed-loop Adaptive Filtering for Suppressing Chest Compression Oscillations in the Capnogram during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation | |
Mikel Leturiondo, J.J. Gutiérrez, Sofia Ruiz de Gauna, Sandra Plaza, Jose F Veintemillas, Mohamud Daya | |
Removing Piston-driven Mechanical Chest Compression Artefacts from the ECG | |
Iraia Isasi, Unai Irusta, Elisabete Aramendi, Unai Ayala, Erik Alonso, Jo Kramer-Johansen, Trygve Eftestol | |
Blinded Analysis of an Exercise ECG Database Using High Frequency QRS Analysis | |
Noam Omer, Yair Granot, Jari Viik, Shimon Abboud |
T-wave Alternans Presence in Young Competitive Athletes – to Be or Not to Be Accepted as a Prognostic Factor? | |
Iana Simova, Ivan Gruev, Giovanni Bortolan, Ivaylo Christov, Sofia Georgieva | |
Specificity of New Diagnostic Criteria for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy | |
Elaine Clark, Peter Macfarlane | |
Detecting ECG Limb Lead-wire Interchanges Involving the Right Leg Lead-wire | |
Richard Gregg, E. William Hancock, Saeed Babaeizadeh | |
Tensor-based Analysis of ECG Changes Prior to In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest | |
Griet Goovaerts, Sabine Van Huffel, Xiao Hu | |
Electrocardiographic Parameters Indicative for Increased Risk of Adverse Events in Diabetics after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting | |
Dimiter Simov, Ivaylo Christov, Iana Simova, Mikhail Matveev, Ivo Petrov |
Bradycardic Effects of Mutations in the HCN4 Gene at Different Levels of Autonomic Tone in Humans | |
Alan Fabbri, Arie O. Verkerk, Stefano Severi, Ronald Wilders | |
Electrophysiological Parameters in the Electrical Propagation During Atrial Fibrillation: a Population of Models Study | |
Ana Simon Chica, Alejandro Liberos, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Alfonso Bueno Orovio, Miguel Rodrigo, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, Felipe Atienza, Francisco Fernández-Avilés, Blanca Rodriguez, Andreu M. Climent | |
Asymmetry of Unipolar Electrograms in a Thin Tissue with Epicardial-Endocardial Activation Delay | |
Eric Irakoze, Halekote Ramesh Chirasvi, Vincent Jacquemet | |
Mechanism of Sinus Bradycardia in Carriers of the 1795insD Mutation in the SCN5A Gene | |
Ronald Wilders | |
A Three-dimensional Computational Model of Action Potential Propagation through a Network of Individual Cells. | |
Pierre-Elliott Bécue, Mark Potse, Yves Coudière |
Clinical Performance of High Frequency QRS Analysis for Detecting Ischemia Using a Limited Sampling Rate | |
Noam Omer, Shimon Abboud, Yair Granot | |
Contactless Mapping of Thoracic and Abdominal Movements: Applications for Seismocardiography | |
Pavel Shirkovskiy, Alexandre Laurin, Mathias Fink, Dominique Chapelle, Ros K. Ing | |
Challenges in Using Seismocardiography for Blood Pressure Monitoring | |
Kasper Sørensen, Ajay Verma, Andrew Blaber, John Zanetti, Samuel Emil Schmidt, Johannes Struijk, Kouhyar Tavakolian | |
Signal Detection Accuracy of Digital Accelerometers for Ballistocardiographic Propose | |
Nico Jähne-Raden, Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Michael Marschollek | |
Respiratory Rate Detection Using a Camera as Contactless Sensor | |
Luca Iozzia, Jesus Lazaro, Eduardo Gil, Luca Cerina, Luca Mainardi, Pablo Laguna |
Wavelet Analysis for Multiresolution Tissue Characterization in Intracoronary Optical Images | |
Maysa M G Macedo, Pedro Nicz, Carlos Campos, Pedro Lemos, Marco Antonio Gutierrez |
Image-Based Computational Evaluation of the Competing Effect of Atrial Wall Thickness and Fibrosis on Re-entrant Drivers for Atrial Arrhythmias | |
Aditi Roy, Marta Varela, Oleg Aslanidi | |
Spiral-wave Instability in a Medium with a Gradient in the Fibroblast Density: a Computational Study | |
Soling Zimik, Rahul Pandit | |
Optimized Adjustment of Single Action-potentials to Case-specific Atrial Physiology: Towards Clinical Implementation | |
Pedro Lind, Yvonne Richter, Gunnar Seemann, Claudia Lenk, Philipp Maass |
Evaluation of Changes in T-wave Alternans Induced by 60 Days of Immobilization by Head-down Bed-rest | |
Alba Martin, Violeta Monasterio, Pablo Laguna, Juan Pablo Martínez, Enrico Caiani |
Optimisation of the Global Re-entry Vulnerability Index to Minimise Cycle Length Dependency and Prediction of Ventricular Arrhythmias During Human Epicardial Sock Mapping | |
Michele Orini, Peter Taggart, Martin Hayward, Pier Lambiase | |
Automatic Coordinate Prediction of the Exit of Ventricular Tachycardia from 12-Lead Electrocardiogram | |
Prashnna Gyawali, Shuhang Chen, Huafeng Liu, B. Milan Horacek, John L. Sapp, Linwei Wang | |
Electrical and Anatomical Imaging of Arrhythmogenic Substrates for Scar-related Ventricular Tachycardia | |
Omar Gharbia, Susumu Tao, Albert C. Lardo, Henry Halperin, Linwei Wang |
Integration of Electrical, Structural, and Anatomical Imaging for the Guidance of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | |
Uyen Chau Nguyen, Matthijs Cluitmans, Casper Mihl, Justin J.G. Luermans, Bas L.J.H. Kietselaer, Sebastiaan C.A.M. Bekkers, Suzanne Gommers, Paul Volders, Frits W. Prinzen, Kevin Vernooy | |
Preliminary Computational Framework to Map MRI-Derived Markers to Predict Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy | |
Carolina Vallecilla, Martino Alessandrini, Claudio Fabbri, Corrado Tomasi, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi | |
Multimodal Image Integration for Catheter Ablation of Ventricular Tachycardia | |
Nicolas Courtial, Antoine Simon, Mathieu Lederlin, Sophie Bruge, Raphael P. Martins, Mireille Garreau | |
A Platform for Quantifying Atrial Structural Remodelling | |
Orod Razeghi, Rashed Karim, John Whitaker, Catalina Tobon Gomez, Steven Niederer |
Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using an Earlobe Photoplethysmographic Sensor | |
Thomas Conroy, Jairo Hernandez Guzman, Burr Hall, Gill Tsouri, Jean-Philippe Couderc | |
Photoplethysmogram Modeling During Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: Detector Evaluation | |
Andrius Sološenko, Andrius Petrenas, Vaidotas Marozas, Leif Sörnmo | |
Validating Features for Atrial Fibrillation Detection from Photoplethysmogram under Hospital and Free-living Conditions | |
Linda M. Eerikäinen, Lukas Dekker, Alberto G. Bonomi, Rik Vullings, Fons Schipper, Jenny Margarito, Helma M. de Morree, Ronald M. Aarts | |
Signal Quality Assessment of F-waves in Atrial Fibrillation | |
Mikael Henriksson, Andrius Petrenas, Vaidotas Marozas, Frida Sandberg, Leif Sornmo | |
Identification of Atrial Fibrillation Episodes Using a Camera as Contactless Sensor | |
Valentina Corino, Luca Iozzia, Andrea Mariani, Giacomo D'Alessandro, Claudia D'Ettorre, Luca Cerina, Giorgio Scarpini, Federico Lombardi, Luca Mainardi |
A 64-Lead Body Surface Potential Mapping System | |
João Salinet, Victor Gonçalves Marques, Marcelo Mazzetto, Erick Camargo, Carlos Pastore, Idágene Cestari | |
ECG-Based Reconstruction of Heart Position and Orientation with Bayesian Optimization | |
Jaume Coll-Font, Dana Brooks | |
Effect of the Geometric Inaccuracy in MARS-based Inverse ECG Solution Approach | |
Önder Nazim Onak, Yesim Serinagaoglu Dogrusöz, Gerhard Wilhelm Weber | |
Exploring Possible Choices of the Tikhonov Regularization Parameter for the Method of Fundamental Solution in Electrocardiography | |
Judit Chamorro-Servent, Rémi Dubois, Yves Coudière | |
L_0 Norm Based Sparse Regularization for Non-invasive Infarct Detection Using ECG Signal | |
Sandesh Ghimire, Linwei Wang | |
Inverse Localization of Intraventricular Pacing Sites by Equivalent Dipole Source | |
Jana Svehlikova, Milan Tysler |
AF Classification from a Short Single Lead ECG Recording: the Physionet Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2017 | |
Gari Clifford, Chengyu Liu, Benjamin Moody, Li-Wei Lehman, Ikaro Silva, Qiao Li, Alistair Johnson, Roger Mark | |
Robust ECG Signal Classification for the Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Using Novel Neural Networks | |
Zhaohan Xiong, Martin Stiles, Jichao Zhao | |
Heart Rhythm Classification using Short-term ECG Atrial and Ventricular Activity Analysis | |
Sasan Yazdani, Priscille Laub, Adrian Luca, Jean-Marc Vesin | |
Atrial Fibrillation Detection Using Boosting and Stacking Ensemble | |
Dawid Smolen | |
Detection of Atrial Fibrillation in ECG Hand-held Devices Using a Random Forest Classifier | |
Morteza Zabihi, Ali Bahrami Rad, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Serkan Kiranyaz, Susanna Narkilahti, Moncef Gabbouj | |
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Electrocardiogram Classification | |
Martin Zihlmann, Dmytro Perekrestenko, Michael Tschannen |
Wrist and Arm Body Surface Bipolar ECG Leads Signal and Sensor Study for Long-term Rhythm Monitoring | |
Omar Escalona, Louise McFrederick, Maira Borges, Pedro Linares, Ricardo Villegas, Gilberto Perpiñan, James McLaughlin, David McEneaney | |
Arm-ECG Bipolar Leads Signal Recovery Methods for Wearable Long-term Heart Rate and Rhythm Monitoring | |
William David Lynn, Omar Escalona, Pedro Vizcaya, David McEneaney | |
Distant Pulse Measurement System for Real-Time Surveillance Applications | |
Jaromir Przybylo, Miroslaw Jablonski, Eliasz Kantoch, Piotr Augustyniak |
Evaluation of Inverse Problem with Slow-Conducting Channel in Scar Area in a Post-Infarction Model | |
Zexi Chen, Miguel Rodrigo, Alejandro Liberos, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Jesus Requena, Andreu M. Climent, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez | |
On the Correctness of the Transmembrane Potential Based Inverse Problem of ECG | |
Vitaly Kalinin, Alexander Kalinin, Walther Schulze, Danila Potyagaylo, Alexander Shlapunov |
Assessment of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Using 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Methods Comparison | |
Sophia Houriez--Gombaud-Saintonge, Elie Mousseaux, Ioannis Bargiotas, Alain De Cesare, Thomas Dietenbeck, Kevin Bouaou, Alban Redheuil, Gilles Soulat, Umit Gencer, Damian Craiem, Yasmina Chenoune, Nadjia Kachenoura | |
Bayesian Classification Applied to Strain in Arrhythmogenic Left-Ventricle Cardiomyopathy | |
Yolanda Vives-Gilabert, Begoña Igual, Santiago Jiménez-Serrano, Jorge Sanz, Raquel Cervigón, Antonio Cebrián, Jose Manuel Santabárbara, José Millet, Esther Zorio, Francisco Castells | |
Relative Aortic Blood Pressure Using 4D Flow MRI: Associations with Age and Aortic Tapering | |
Kevin Bouaou, Ioannis Bargiotas, Damian Craiem, Gilles Soulat, Thomas Dietenbeck, Sophia Houriez--Gombaud-Saintonge, Alain De Cesare, Umit Gencer, Alain Giron, Alban Redheuil, Didier Lucor, Elie Mousseaux, Nadjia Kachenoura |
Classification of Congenital Heart Diseases By SVM-MFCC Using Phonocardiograph | |
Gholamreza Attarodi, Asghar Tareh, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo, Ali Adeliansedehi | |
Diagnosis of Aortic Valve Stenosis Based on PCG Signal Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) and Parametric Models | |
Pegah Derakhshan Mehr, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo, Gholamreza Attarodi, Keivan Maghooli, Nazanin Hemmati | |
Second Heart Sound Onset to Identify T-Wave Offset | |
Agnese Sbrollini, Marta Beghella Bartoli, Angela Agostinelli, Micaela Morettini, Francesco Di Nardo, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini |
Prediction of Ventricular Tachycardia Using Nonlinear Features of Heart Rate Variability and Artificial Neural Network Classifier | |
Nastaran Ehtiati, Gholamreza Attarodi, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo, Javid Farhadi Sedehi, Ali Moti Nasrabadi | |
Prediction of the Exit Site of Ventricular Tachycardia Based on Different ECG Lead Systems | |
Michal Kania, Yves Coudière, Hubert Cochet, Michel Haïssaguerre, Pierre Jaïs, Mark Potse | |
Non-Invasive Assessment of Spatiotemporal Organization of Ventricular Fibrillation Through Principal Component Analysis | |
Marianna Meo, Mark Potse, Stéphane Puyo, Laura Bear, Mélèze Hocini, Michel Haïssaguerre, Rémi Dubois | |
Prediction of Ventricular Fibrillation from HRV Signals Using Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Neural Networks | |
Javid Farhadi Sedehi, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo, Gholamreza Attarodi, Mehdi Eslamizadeh | |
Effect of Different Ventricular Arrhythmia Origin on Cardiac Sound Variability Using M-mode Signal Representation | |
Raúl Ortiz-Puente, Margarita Sanromán-Junquera, Sergio Muñoz-Romero, Mariano Barbero-Puchades, Mercedes Ortiz, Rebeca Goya-Esteban, Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez, Jesús Almendral-Garrote |
A Spatially Extended Model of the Human Atrioventricular Node | |
Mikael Wallman, Frida Sandberg | |
Pace-and-Drive of the Human Sinoatrial Node: a Preliminary Computational Investigation | |
Alan Fabbri, Axel Loewe, Ronald Wilders, Stefano Severi | |
Effects of the Small Conductance Calcium-Activated Potassium Current (IsK) in Human Sinoatrial Node | |
Alan Fabbri, Michelangelo Paci, Jari Hyttinen, Ronald Wilders, Stefano Severi | |
In Silico Analysis of the Effects of Fibroblasts Coupling to Atrial Myocytes under Conditions of Atrial Fibrillation Remodeling | |
Jorge Sánchez, Beatriz Trenor, Javier Saiz | |
Lead and Carbon Monoxide Effects on Human Atrial Action Potential. In Silico Study | |
Catalina Tobon, Diana C Pachajoa, Juan P Ugarte, Andres Orozco-Duque, Javier Saiz | |
Maximization of Left Atrial Information through the Optimization of ECG Lead Systems | |
Axel Loewe, Sebastian Debatin, Gustavo Lenis, Olaf Doessel |
An Interactive Virtual Reality Environment for Analysis of Clinical Atrial Arrhythmias and Ablation Planning | |
Axel Loewe, Emanuel Poremba, Tobias G. Oesterlein, Nicolas Pilia, Micha Pfeiffer, Olaf Doessel, Stefanie Speidel | |
A System for Electrocardiographic Studies in the Community | |
Rene Ivan Gonzalez-Fernandez, Jorge Aquilera-Perez, Gisela Montes de Oca-Colina, Marisabel Lopez-Fernandez, Pedro Luis Gonzalez-Acosta, Miguel Portieles-Perez | |
An Optimized Drug Similarity Framework for Side-effect Prediction | |
Yi Zheng, Shameek Ghosh, Jinyan Li | |
Characterization of Screen-Printed Textile Electrodes Based on Conductive Polymer for ECG Acquisition | |
Andrea Achilli, Danilo Pani, Annalisa Bonfiglio | |
Characterizing Dry Electrodes Impedance by Parametric Modeling for Arm Wearable Long-term Cardiac Rhythm Monitoring | |
Antonio Bosnjak, Pedro Linares, James McLaughlin, Omar Escalona | |
Biomedical Signal Quality Assessment via Learning to Rank with an Application to Mechanical Heart Signals | |
Olli Lahdenoja, Mojtaba Jafari Tadi, Matti Kaisti, Timo Knuutila, Mikko Pänkäälä, Tero Koivisto | |
A Database of Electrocardiogram Signals Acquired in Different Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners | |
Johannes Krug, Marcus Schmidt, Georg Rose, Michael Friebe | |
Comparison of Compression Solutions for Impedance and Field Potential Signals of Cardiomyocytes | |
Pauline Guyot, Levy Batista, El-Hadi Djermoune, Jean-Marie Moureaux, Leo Doerr, Matthias Beckler, Thierry Bastogne | |
Study of Similarity Measures for Case-Based Reasoning in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | |
Hélène Feuillâtre, Vincent Auffret, Miguel Castro, Hervé Le Breton, Mireille Garreau, Pascal Haigron | |
Time-varying Acoustic Emission Characterization for Guidewire Coronary Artery Perforation Identification | |
Alfredo Illanes, Anna Schaufler, Iván Maldonado Zambrano, Axel Boese, Michael Friebe | |
Parsing HL7 aECG Files and Segmenting Leads for Interactive Progressive-based Interpretation of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram | |
Andrew Cairns, Raymond Bond, Dewar Finlay, Daniel Guldenring, Aaron Peace, Fabio Badilini, Guido Libretti | |
Respiratory Frequency Estimation from Accelerometric Signals Acquired by Mobile Phone in a Controlled Breathing Protocol | |
Federica Landreani, Alba Martin, Claudia Casellato, Esteban Pavan, Carlo Frigo, Pierre-François Migeotte, Andrea Faini, Gianfranco Parati, Enrico Caiani | |
Cardiac-gated Slit Lamp Videography as a Novel Approach to Assessing a Microcirculatory Network | |
Paul F. Brennan, Dewar Finlay, Mark S Spence, Agnes Awuah, James McLaughlin, Johnny Moore, Andrew Nesbit, Emanuele Trucco, Ruixuan Wang, Tara Moore | |
A Practical Noise Stress Test to Assess Performance of Automated Photo-plethysmogram Analysis | |
Reza Firoozabadi, Saeed Babaeizadeh | |
Correlations of First and Second Heart Sounds with Age, Sex, and Body Mass Index | |
Bjarke Skogstad Larsen, Simon Winther, Morten Bøttcher, Louise Nissen, Johannes Struijk, Mads Græsbøll Christensen, Samuel Emil Schmidt | |
Imaging Photoplethysmography: a Real-time Signal Quality Index | |
Sibylle Fallet, Yann Schoenenberger, Lionel Martin, Fabian Braun, Virginie Moser, Jean-Marc Vesin | |
Wearable Pressure Sensor Array for Health Monitoring | |
Matti Kaisti, Joni Leppänen, Olli Lahdenoja, Pekka Kostiainen, Mikko Pänkäälä, Ulf Meriheinä, Tero Koivisto |
Study of the Behavior of Different Guidewire Shapes in a Patient-Specific Numerical Model for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | |
Phuoc Vy, Vincent Auffret, Miguel Castro, Pierre Badel, Michel Rochette, Pascal Haigron, Stéphane Avril, Hervé Le Breton | |
Computer Modeling of Irrigated-tip Electrodes During RF Cardiac Ablation: Comparative Analysis between Including and Excluding the Problem of Fluid Dynamics | |
Ana González-Suárez, Juan J. Pérez, Enrique Berjano | |
Dual Extruder 3D-Bioprinter for Computer Designed Cardiac Structures | |
Ana Maria Sanchez de la Nava, Alejandro Liberos, Eduardo Gabriel Nieva, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Ana Simon Chica, María Eugenia Fernández-Santos, Felipe Atienza, Andreu M. Climent, Francisco Fernández-Avilés |
Noise Resistance of Several Top-Scored Heart Beat Detectors | |
Marcus Vollmer | |
A Data-Driven Feature Extraction Method for Enhanced Phonocardiogram Segmentation | |
Francesco Renna, Jorge Oliveira, Miguel Coimbra | |
Nonlinear Analysis of Heart Sounds for the Detection of Cardiac Disorders Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis | |
Shadi Ghiasi, Mostafa Abdollahpur, nasimalsadat madani, Ali Ghaffari | |
Reducing False Arrhythmia Alarms of Patient Monitoring Systems in the Intensive Care Units | |
Erdem Yanar, Yesim Serinagaoglu Dogrusoz |
3D Echocardiographic Optimization of Residual Native Myocardial Function in Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices | |
Diego Medvedofsky, Roberto Lang, Gabriel Sayer, Karima Addetia, Eric Kruse, Sirtaz Adatya, Gene Kim, Lynn Weinert, Megan Yamat, Nir Uriel, Victor Mor-Avi | |
Evaluation the Myocardial Motion at Scar Locations using 4D MDCT Cardiac Images | |
Weichih Hu, Hsuan-Ming Tsao | |
Comparison of Left Ventricular Curvedness Derived from CMR Imaging with the Wall Motion Score Index for Male Patients after First-time Myocardial Infarction | |
Soo Kng Teo, Xiao Dan Zhao, Ru San Tan, Liang Zhong, Yi Su | |
The Differential Meaning of LV and LA Strains in Aortic Valve Stenosis: A Feature Tracking MRI Study | |
Jérôme LAMY, Gilles Soulat, Morgane Evin, Khaoula Bouazizi-Verdier, Alain Giron, Alban Redheuil, Elie Mousseaux, Nadjia Kachenoura |
Comparative Study of Methods for Atrial Fibrillation Cycle Length Estimation in Fractionated Electrograms | |
Diego I Osorio, Raul Alcaraz, José J Rieta | |
Phase Analysis of Endoatrial Electrograms for 3D Rotor Detection in Atrial Fibrillation | |
Maddalena Valinoti, Francesca Berto, Martino Alessandrini, Roberto Mantovan, Axel Loewe, Olaf Doessel, Stefano Severi, Cristiana Corsi | |
Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Hierarchical Activation: from Highest DF Sites to Wave Fractionation at the Boundaries | |
João Salinet, Fernando Schlindwein, Peter Stafford, Tiago Almeida, Xin Li, Frederique Vanheusden, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, G. André Ng | |
Spurious Rotor Detection During Atrial Fibrillation: Phase Singularities in Fact Reflect Blurred Conduction Block | |
Stef Zeemering, Piotr Podziemski, Pawel Kuklik, Arne van Hunnik, Bart Maesen, Ulrich Schotten | |
Deterministic Structures in Fractionated Atrial Electrograms During Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | |
Tiago Almeida, Fernando Schlindwein, João Salinet, Xin Li, Gavin Chu, Jiun Tuan, Peter Stafford, G. André Ng, Diogo Soriano | |
Level-set Method for Robust Analysis of Optical Mapping Recordings of Fibrillation | |
Daniel Gurevich, Conner Herndon, Ilija Uzelac, Flavio Fenton, Roman Grigoriev |
A Group Lasso Based Method for Automatic Physiological Rhythm Analysis | |
Rebeca Goya-Esteban, Óscar Barquero-Pérez, Carlos Figuera, Arcadi García-Alberola, Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez | |
Effect of Extracellular Calcium Concentration on Controlling Cardiac Alternans | |
Shiuan-Ni Liang, Pik-Yin Lai | |
A Predictive Personalised Model for the Left Atrium | |
Cesare Corrado, Steven Williams, Gernot Plank, Mark O’Neill, Steven Niederer | |
A Fractionation-based Local Activation Wave Detector for Atrial Electrograms of Atrial Fibrillation | |
Diego I Osorio, Raul Alcaraz, José J Rieta |
The Influence of Right Ventricular Afterload in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: A CircAdapt Study | |
Clemens Zeile, Alexander Schmeisser, Thomas Rauwolf, Tobias Weber, Sebastian Sager | |
Model-based Estimation of Internal Heart Power in Aortic Valve Disease Patients. | |
Matthias Gsell, Gernot Plank | |
Novel non-invasive Pressure-Volume Loop measurement for local Pulse Wave Velocity estimation | |
Ghalib Muhammad Waqas Janjua, Dewar Finlay, Daniel Guldenring, Rohit Hadia, James Mclaughlin | |
Non-invasive Technique for Determining Local PWV in the Human Ascending Aorta | |
Madalina Negoita, Alun D Hughes, Kim H Parker, Ashraf W Khir |
Statistical Variations of Heart Orientation in Healthy Adults | |
Freddy Odille, Shufang Liu, Peter van Dam, Jacques Felblinger | |
Solving Inaccuracies in the Heart Position and Orientation for Inverse Solution by Using Electrical Information | |
Miguel Rodrigo, Andreu M. Climent, Alejandro Liberos, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Angel Arenal, Javier Bermejo, Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, Felipe Atienza, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez | |
Role of Myocardial Properties and Pacing Lead Location on ECG in Personalized Paced Heart Models | |
Konstantin Ushenin, Arseniy Dokuchaev, Sonya Magomedova, Oleg Sopov, Vitaly Kalinin, Olga Solovyova | |
Patient-specific Parameterization of Left-ventricular Model of Cardiac Electrophysiology using Electrocardiographic Recordings | |
Karli Gillette, Anton Prassl, Jason Bayer, Edward Vigmond, Aurel Neic, Gernot Plank | |
A New, Low-Energy Defibrillation Strategy: Use of Multiple Electric Field Directions to Reshape Scroll Wave Filaments | |
Kayleigh Wheeler, Valentin Krinski, Niels Otani |
Assessing Cardiovascular Comorbidities in Sleep Apnea Patients Using SpO2 | |
Margot Deviaene, Carolina Varon, Dries Testelmans, Bertien Buyse, Sabine Van Huffel | |
Sleep Questionnaires in Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea | |
Joachim A. Behar, Niclas Palmius, Jonathan Daly, Qiao Li, Fabiola Rizzatti, Lia Bittencourt, Gari D. Clifford | |
Instantaneous Time Course of Autonomic-Cardiovascular Response to Short-Term Hypoxia in Healthy Subjects: a Time-Frequency Analysis Approach | |
Salvador Carrasco-Sosa, Alejandra Guillén-Mandujano | |
Overnight T-Wave Alternans in Sleep Apnea Patients | |
Laura Burattini, Ilaria Ciotti, Michela D'Ignazio, Alessandro Miccoli, Angela Agostinelli, Agnese Sbrollini, Micaela Morettini, Francesco Di Nardo, Sandro Fioretti |
Electrocardiographic P-wave Delineation Based on Adaptive Slope Gaussian Detection | |
Francisco González, Raul Alcaraz, José J Rieta | |
AThrIA: a New Adaptive Threshold Identification Algorithm for Electrocardiographic P Waves | |
Agnese Sbrollini, Sofia Mercanti, Angela Agostinelli, Micaela Morettini, Francesco Di Nardo, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini | |
Modeling Cardiovascular Condition Evolution in Hypertensive Population Using Graph Signal Processing | |
Antonio G. Marques, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Javier Ramos, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez, Rebeca Goya-Esteban, Rafael García-Carretero, Óscar Barquero-Pérez | |
Quantification of hERG Block from the ECG | |
Johan De Bie, Brian Chiu, David Mortara, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi | |
ECG Artefact Detection Using Ensemble Decision Trees | |
Jonathan Moeyersons, Carolina Varon, Dries Testelmans, Bertien Buyse, Sabine Van Huffel | |
Model-based Delineation of Non-Uniformly Sampled ECG Signals | |
Thomas Niederhauser, Andreas Haeberlin, Barbara Jesacher, Andreas Fischer, Hildegard Tanner |
Spatial Distribution and Orientation of a Single Moving Dipole Computed in 12-Lead ECGs in a Healthy Population Using a Spherically Bounded Model | |
Vito Starc, Cees A. Swenne | |
Influence of Body-Surface Geometry Accuracy on Noninvasive Reconstruction of Electrical Activation and Recovery in Electrocardiographic Imaging | |
Matthijs Cluitmans, Paul Volders | |
How Accurately Can the Method of Fundamental Solutions Solve the Inverse Problem of Electrocardiology? | |
Peter Johnston | |
ECG Imaging of Simulated Atrial Fibrillation: Imposing Epi-Endocardial Similarity Facilitates the Reconstruction of Transmembrane Voltages | |
Steffen Schuler, Danila Potyagaylo, Olaf Doessel | |
Including a Priori Knowledge in the Solution of the Inverse Problem During Atrial Fibrillation | |
Víctor Suárez-Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel Cámara, Óscar Barquero-Pérez, Ismael Hernández-Romero, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, Andreu M. Climent, Felipe Alonso-Atienza, Carlos Figuera |
The Effect of Mitochondria in Intracellular Calcium Dynamics in Cardiomyocytes: a Simulation Study | |
Ainhoa Asensio, Jose M Ferrero | |
Ionic Modulation of Calcium Dynamics in Simulated Human Heart Failure | |
Maria Teresa Mora, Jose M Ferrero, Beatriz Trenor | |
The Role of the Ina-Ik1 Complex on Human Ventricular Conduction Velocity | |
Peter Marinov, Alfonso Bueno-Orovio, Blanca Rodriguez | |
Differential Responses to Beta-Adrenergic Stimulation in the Long QT Syndrome Type 1: Characterization and Mechanisms | |
David Adolfo Sampedro-Puente, Jesus Fernandez-Bes, Esther Pueyo | |
Investigation of the Presence and Mechanisms of Action Potential Alternans in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | |
Aurore Lyon, Ana Mincholé, Elisa Passini, Blanca Rodriguez |
L1 Penalized Cox Regression to Characterize Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients | |
Rafael García-Carretero, Óscar Barquero-Pérez, Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez, Cristina Soguero-Ruiz, Rebeca Goya-Esteban, Antonio G. Marques, Javier Ramos | |
Towards Heart Sound Classification Without Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Network | |
Wenjie Zhang, Jiqing Han | |
The Physionet QT Database: Study on the Reliability of P-wave Manual Annotations under Noisy Recordings | |
Francisco González, Raul Alcaraz, José J Rieta | |
A Review of Basic Statistical Concepts used in Clinical Test Interpretation and Decision Support | |
John Wang | |
Semi-Supervised One-Class Transfer Learning for Heart Rate Based Epileptic Seizure Detection | |
Thomas De Cooman, Carolina Varon, Anouk Van de Vel, Berten Ceulemans, Lieven Lagae, Sabine Van Huffel | |
Semantic Biomarker Selection for Functional Genomics of Heart Failure Model Organisms | |
Ludwig Lausser, Steffen Just, Wolfgang Rottbauer, Hans Kestler |
ECG as a Tool to Estimate Potassium and Calcium Concentrations in the Extracellular Space | |
Nicolas Pilia, Olaf Doessel, Gustavo Lenis, Axel Loewe | |
The STAFF III Database: ECGs Recorded During Acutely Induced Myocardial Ischemia | |
Juan Pablo Martínez, Olle Pahlm, Michael Ringborn, Stafford Warren, Pablo Laguna, Leif Sornmo | |
QRS Fragmentation Index as a New Discriminator for Early Diagnosis of Heart Diseases | |
Francisco-Manuel Melgarejo-Meseguer, Mariela Salar-Alcaraz, Zaida Molins-Bordallo, Francisco-Javier Gimeno-Blanes, Estrella Everss Villalba, Jose-Antonio Flores-Yepes, Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez, Arcadi Garcia-Alberola | |
Using Generalised Polynomial Chaos to Examine Various Parameters in a Half-ellipsoidal Ventricular Model of Partial Thickness Ischaemia | |
Barbara Johnston, Peter Johnston | |
Detecting Ischemic Stress to the Myocardium Using Laplacian Eigenmaps and Changes to Conduction Velocity | |
Wilson Good, Burak Erem, Jaume Coll-Font, Dana Brooks, Rob MacLeod |
A Two Step Gaussian Modelling to Assess PPG Morphological Variability Induced by Psychological Stress | |
Swati Banerjee, Raquel Bailón, Jesus Lazaro, Vaidotas Marozas, Pablo Laguna, Eduardo Gil | |
Detecting Episodes of Brady- and Tachycardia Using Photo-plethysmography at the Wrist in Free-living Conditions | |
Alberto Bonomi, Linda M. Eerikäinen, Fons Schipper, Ronald Aarts, Helma de Morree, Lukas Dekker | |
Impact of Mixed Media on Transfer Functions with a Pacemaker System for Estimation of RF Heating During MRI Scans | |
Xiaoyi Min, Shiloh Sison | |
Pulse Photoplethysmography Derived Respiration for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection | |
Jesus Lazaro, Eduardo Gil, Margot Deviaene, Raquel Bailón, Dries Testelmans, Bertien Buyse, Carolina Varon, Sabine Van Huffel | |
Sleep Insights from the Finger Tip: How Photoplethysmography Can Help Quantify Sleep | |
Shuli Eyal, Anda Baharav |
Noninvasive Characterization of Short- and Long-Term Recurrence of Atrial Signals During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | |
Pietro Bonizzi, Stef Zeemering, Joël Karel, Muhammad Haziq Kamarul Azman, Theo Lankveld, Ulrich Schotten, Harry Crijns, Ralf Peeters, Olivier Meste | |
P-wave Analysis in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Patients before and after Pulmonary Vein Isolation | |
Nuria Ortigosa, Óscar Cano | |
A Patient-Specific Methodology for Prediction of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Onset | |
Elisabetta De Giovanni, Amir Aminifar, Adrian Luca, Sasan Yazdani, Jean-Marc Vesin, David Atienza | |
Preliminary Results from Clinical Validation Study of a Method for Non-Invasive Assessment of Atrioventricular Node Refractoriness During Atrial Fibrillation | |
Frida Sandberg, Valentina Corino, Leif Sornmo, Pyotr Platonov, Fredrik Holmqvist |
Characterization of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using Left Ventricular Regional Wall Thickness derived from CMR Imaging | |
Soo Kng Teo, Xiao Dan Zhao, Ru San Tan, Liang Zhong, Yi Su | |
Lumen Border Segmentation at Intravascular Ultrasound Images Using Fuzzy Compound Approach | |
Mehdi Eslamizadeh, Gholamreza Attarodi, Nader Jafarnia Dabanloo, Javid Farhadi Sedehi, Seyed Kamaledin Setarehdan |
Impact of Interventricular Lead Distance on Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Outcomes. | |
Tatiana Chumarnaya, Maria Trifanova, Tamara Lyubimtseva, Viktoria Lebedeva, Ivan Poroshin, Maria Trukshina, Dmitry Lebedev, Olga Solovyova | |
Experimental Method for Recording Epicardium Potentials and Cardiac Myocyte Shortening | |
Gustavo Shimabukuro Marchini, Daniel Seiei Uehara Tamashiro, Helena T Oyama, Lucas Cortella, Ismar Newton Cestari, Idágene Aparecida Cestari | |
Progression towards Heart Failure after Myocardial Infarction Is Accompanied by a Change in the Spatial QRS-T Angle | |
Marjolein C. De Jongh, Agnese Sbrollini, Arie C. Maan, Enno T. Van der Velde, M.J. Schalij, Cees A. Swenne | |
Analysis of Hemodynamic Related Changes in High Frequency Content of QRS Complex in Working Isolated Rabbit Heart | |
Petra Novotna, Jakub Hejc, Marina Ronzhina, Oto Janousek, Tibor Stracina, Veronika Olejnickova, Jana Kolarova, Marie Novakova | |
Application of Cardiac Impedance Signal in the Reservoir-Wave Model of Circulatory System in Humans | |
Marek Zylinski, Wiktor Niewiadomski, Marta Sadowiec, Marcel Mlynczak, Gerard Cybulski | |
Central Hemodynamic Variability During Sleep in Subjects with and without Atrial Fibrillation | |
Michal Sitarek, Gerard Cybulski, Anna Gasiorowska, Ewa Ziólkowska, Wiktor Niewiadomski, Anna Strasz |
Fetal Phonocardiogram Denoising by Wavelet Transformation: Robustness to Noise | |
Agnese Sbrollini, Annachiara Strazza, Manila Caragiuli, Claudia Mozzoni, Selene Tomassini, Angela Agostinelli, Micaela Morettini, Sandro Fioretti, Francesco Di Nardo, Laura Burattini | |
Effect of Chronic Hypoxia on Autonomic Nervous System of Fetal Mice | |
Ahsan Khandoker, Thuraia Al Khoori, Takahiro Minato, Takuya Ito, Yoshitaka Kimura | |
An Algorithm for Risk Stratification of Preterm Infants | |
Venkata Naga Sai Apurupa Amperayani, Premananda Indic, Colm Travers, Riccardo Barbieri, David Paydarfar, Namasivayam Ambalavanan | |
Quantification of Fetal ST-Segment Deviations | |
Angela Agostinelli, Mariachiara Di Cosmo, Agnese Sbrollini, Luca Burattini, Micaela Morettini, Francesco Di Nardo, Sandro Fioretti, Laura Burattini | |
Analyzing Fetal and Maternal Cardiorespiratory Interactions During Labor | |
Faezeh Marzbanrad, Gari Clifford |
Classification of Atrial Fibrillation in Short-term ECG Recordings Using a Machine Learning Approach and Hybrid QRS Detection | |
Joanna Rymko, Mateusz Solinski, Anna Perka, Jacek Rosinski, Michal Lepek | |
Experimental Study of Atrial Fibrillation Cycle Length During Rapid Atrial Septal Pacing | |
Adrian Luca, Sasan Yazdani, Jean-Marc Vesin, Nathalie Virag | |
Spectral Analysis of the ECG to Guide Optimal Endpoint in Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation | |
Raul Alcaraz, Fernando Hornero, José J Rieta |
Comparing Feature Based Classifiers and Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Arrhythmia from Short Segments of ECG | |
Fernando Andreotti, Oliver Carr, Marco A F Pimentel, Adam Mahdi, Maarten De Vos | |
Classification of Atrial Fibrillation Using Multidisciplinary Features and Gradient Boosting | |
Andrew Goodwin, Sebastian Goodfellow, Danny Eytan, Robert Greer, Mjaye Mazwi, Peter Laussen, Sebastian Goodfellow | |
Beat by Beat: Classifying Cardiac Arrhythmias with Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Patrick Schwab, Gaetano Claudio Scebba, Jia Zhang, Marco Delai, Walter Karlen | |
Automatic Detection of Atrial Fibrillation and Other Arrhythmias in Holter ECG Recordings using PQRS Morphology and Rhythm Features | |
Filip Plesinger, Petr Nejedly, Ivo Viscor, Josef Halamek, Pavel Jurak |
Remote ECG Interpretation: Guidelines and their Implementation | |
Iana Simova, Milen Predovski, Ivaylo Christov, Dimitar Simov |
Overcoming Barriers to Quantification and Comparison of Electrocardiographic Imaging Methods: a Community-Based Approach | |
Jwala Dhamala, Jaume Coll-Font, Jess Tate, Maria de la Salud Guillem Sánchez, Dana Brooks, Linwei Wang, Rob MacLeod, Sandesh Ghimire | |
Analyzing Source Sampling to Reduce Error in ECG Forward Simulations | |
Jess Tate, Karli Gillette, Brett Burton, Wilson Good, Jaume Coll-Font, Dana Brooks, Rob MacLeod |
Stability of Conduction Patterns in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation | |
Pawel Kuklik, Benjamin Schäffer, Ruken Ö Akbulak, Mario Jularic, Christiane Jungen, Jana Nuehrich, Niklas Klatt, Christian Eickholt, Christian Meyer, Stephan Willems | |
The Combination of Pulmonary Vein Electrophysiology and Atrial Fibrosis Determines Driver Location | |
Caroline Roney, Jason Bayer, Rémi Dubois, Marianna Meo, Hubert Cochet, Pierre Jaïs, Edward Vigmond | |
The Efficacy of Class III Anti-arrhythmic Drug Action in 3D Canine Atrial Models: Is the Blockade of IKCa Pro- or Anti-arrhythmic? | |
Marta Varela, Purwa Dar, Jules Hancox, Oleg Aslanidi | |
A Computational Framework to Benchmark Basket Catheter Guided Ablation | |
Martino Alessandrini, Maddalena Valinoti, Axel Loewe, Tobias Oesterlein, Olaf Doessel, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi |
The VED Meter - a New Tool to Measure the Ventricular Conduction Abnormalities in Heart Failure Patients | |
Filip Plesinger, Pavel Jurak, Josef Halamek, Pavel Leinveber, Scott McNitt, Arthur J. Moss, Wojciech Zareba, Jean-Pilippe Couderc | |
Tolerance to Spikes: a Comparison of Sample and Bubble Entropy | |
George Manis, Roberto Sassi | |
Effects of Fibroblasts coupling on the Electrophysiology of Cardiomyocytes from Different Regions of the Human Atrium: a Simulation Study | |
Gunnar Seemann, Axel Loewe, Eike M. Wülfers |